
Cellulite is the common term used to describe superficial pockets of trapped fat, which cause uneven dimpling or "orange"peel skin. Cellulite is mainly due to hormonal changes and toxin build up that makes the fat cells in your subcutaneous fat layer (the layer of fat directly below the skin) increase by up to 300 times their original size. Circulation is inhibited and toxins and water trapped instead of being flushed away naturally.

All tissue in the body is covered with padding of fatty connective tissue, varying in thickness and surrounded by a liquid that supplies the "covering" with nourishment and removes waste products.

The fatty tissue is held in place by a network of fibres and when the system works well all waste products are removed in smooth body curves. When the waste removal system starts to fail, waste products start building up and the connective tissue becomes saturated with liquid. The waste removal system then becomes sluggish and is often inflamed and swollen. Growing adipocytes (fat cells) destroy the network made by elastin and collagen fibres, which then thickens and harden, pressing on the nerve ending, making cellulite painful under pressure.

Cellulite can often form in postnatal women and those who take birth control pills because the body's waste system can't eliminate the enormous flow of estrogen in the body. Cellulite can also develop after injury, where the circulatory system has been disturbed. A sedentary lifestyle can also lead to hardening of the connective tissue.

How does the body get rid of cellulite?
The connective tissue and skin is irrigated through the capillary network in order to bring nutrient to the tissue. This is done via the vascular and lymphatic system. To do this, the connective tissue must be flexible and returned to normal elasticity, loosening the trapped waste materials and removing these wastes from the affected area.

Anti-Cellulite Program : Endermologie.

A treatment involves the key module 1 head being run over the body for 35 minutes, gently folding and unfolding the skin, under the continuous action of the rollers and suction. The treatment acts on the superficial fat layer of the body. In conjunction with diet, exercise and detoxification Sauna, the treatments are enhanced.

[Click here for more information on Endermologie]


Where do you find cellulite on the body?

Regular fat can be found anywhere on the body, while cellulite tends to settle on the following areas:

  • inner thigh and back thighs
  • upper back below the shoulders
  • ankles
  • inside and back of arms
  • buttocks
  • lower back
  • hips & stomach

    The presence of cellulite is based on the person's body shape and genetic disposition.

    Contributing Factors:

  • Genetics
  • Insufficient water intake
  • Diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Tension and stress
  • Medication
  • Hormonal factors